Thursday, July 8, 2010

On Off

Have you ever had an off day? If you're like most people then probably yes. For some reason everything you do or say just don't sync up with everything else around you. So you get that feeling that things aren't quite right. I've been wondering what causes days like that. Is it something you've done or failed to do that put you into that situation? Is the world secretly working against you? And more importantly, what can you do to get things working right again?

There is the saying "waking up on the wrong side of the bed", which is usually associated with being in a bad mood, but I've taken to thinking about it a little differently. What if that one little detail threw something off? What if you weren't supposed to get up on that side of the bed, metaphorically? Instead of zigging, you zagged and for the rest of the day you're paying for that cosmic mistake. If that's possible, then you would be trying to play catch up back to where you were supposed to be. Life is full of chaos, which isn't as bad as it sounds. It just means there are so many things happening, not just to us, but around us, that it's nearly impossible to predict what could or would happen. While I don't believe in fate or destiny, I do believe that there are some things that are meant to be, if only because several unseen factors have forced the situation to turn out that way. I guess maybe that is just another definition of fate. Even if that's true, it doesn't prevent the use of free will. We are able to make choices that can change the course of our lives. Still maybe it's only the illusion of free will because everything has led us to that particular moment and what we think is our choice, is no choice at all. Maybe it's in those moments when we go against what was "supposed" to be that we drift into the off.

I suppose the cause is important, but in most cases you don't realize why you're in the situation you're in until it's passed. So what do you do while you're in it? I can't speak for anyone else, but I tend to fight against it. If something doesn't feel right, then I'm going to do what I can to correct the situation. The thing with that is that you can't fix something if you don't know what the problem is? Sure you might stumble upon the solution, but it's more likely that you're going to bumble around, possibly making things worse along the way. And you can't exactly go with it because it doesn't feel right. So you're stuck in this time that's all askew. Hopefully things will right themselves and you'll get back to where you're supposed to be.

What happens though when it lasts for more than just a day? Sure an off day can be chalked up to maybe one thing being not quite right, but if it goes on for longer then maybe it's not just getting up on the wrong side of the bed that's thrown you off. If you're still sticking with my theory, then maybe you're not where you're supposed to be and there is no easy fix or reset. I've had times where it felt like no matter what I was doing, it wasn't quite right and in some cases, just plain wrong. I knew this, but felt powerless to prevent it from happening. Sitting here I've been trying to think of how those situations resolved themselves. In most cases it was nothing that I did to make things better. It just sort of worked itself out. I guess there can be something said about the universe being somewhat self-correcting, although for some that may seem like a bit of a cop-out. Also there is the problem that if the universe is constantly moving and shifting certain events, what happens if the change is counter to what you want or need? Sometimes what we want is very different from what we need and it's easy to confuse the two. It could be that the choice we made to get what we wanted moved us out of position for what we needed and the feeling of being out of place isn't just a feeling, but a very real mismatch of time and space. If that's the case then it's probably very important for you figure out where things went astray, otherwise you might never get back to where you're supposed to be. That is assuming we're supposed to be anywhere and not right where we are right now.