Thursday, June 24, 2010

On Sex...Again

I've heard it been said by several adults that a young woman's virginity is the most precious gift she can give. I'm not exactly sure why that is though. In the end sex is really just about friction. It's skin rubbing against skin, which happens to feel really good. That's kind of like saying that the best gift you can give someone is a really good scratch on the back. By the way scientists are actually researching why scratching feels good, so who knows maybe there is some connection. The most precious gift is allowing someone else to rub your skin for you? Wouldn't it make more sense for the most precious thing you can give to someone else be a part of your soul? In the grand scheme of things if there is an eternal soul then sharing that with another would be more lasting and hopefully more important than the fleeting pleasure of skin on skin.

I think part of the problem is the amount of importance that it's given. It starts at an early age too. Parents try very hard to hide it from children because their parents hid it from them. So it becomes this mystery that everyone wants to know more about, but because the people with the most knowledge and experience aren't talking, kids have to go and find out for themselves. As I've mentioned before, there is a certain amount of guilt associated with sex, usually put there by adults and/or society in general. If it feels that good then it must be wrong. What if we got the same amount of pleasure from eating a specific food or hearing music? Would that food or that music then be associated with guilt as well? For some reason that who mentality makes me wonder why certain substances are illegal. Is it because they are "harmful" or is it because they've crossed over from good feeling to guilty good? I suppose that's a subject for another time. So we're taught that sex is wrong or dirty and yet it's somehow magically ok once you get married. Marriage for the most part is just the government's recognition of two people as a couple. Essentially you're asking the government for permission to have sex then. I'm guessing that's how some people want it though.

To make matters worse there are some people out there who think that any form of information will only lead to more sex. That mystery I mentioned before must remain a mystery. The idea that abstinence is sex education is something that seems to have made a bit of a comeback. Not teaching children about sex is a bit like sticking your head in the sand. When doctors, who are experts, are asked about how to proceed with sex education, they tend to say that more information is better, not less. And yet for the most part that advice is largely ignored by so many groups. The consensus from experts is that teaching abstinence doesn't prevent teenagers from having sex, it only prevents them from having safe sex. In their attempts to suppress anything sexual, those who want nothing to do with sex have in fact helped perpetuate all that they are afraid of.

Sex can be great. It can be fun. It can be one of the best things physically you do with another person. In fact it's that hope that a lot of people prey on. I'm not even talking about just porn, which is blatant in its promise of sex. Sure you could be on some less than family-oriented site where there are ads to grow your penis or how there are thousands of horny girls just begging for you to give it to them. It's the hollow promise that if you click on their link then you'll be rewarded with fantastic sex. In actuality it's probably just something to distract you so they can take your money when you have your pants around your ankles. It's an old trick with modern parts. Anyway as I was saying, it's not just porn, but nearly every commercial that uses sex as its basis. Buy this product because the implication is that it is sexy or will help you to get laid. Often times we're very simple creatures and it's not that hard to manipulate us. The thing is that even the best sex is fleeting. I'm not talking about the time it takes for the actual act (which even in marathon mode is short in the big picture), but rather the time it takes before it stops being great. In a weird way sex is like working out. The first few times your muscles are not used to the strain and are getting the most benefit from lifting the weight or running a certain distance. In a usually short time the muscles have adapted and the same number of repetitions are no longer producing the same results. You either have to increase the weight, the repetitions, or change the rotation. If you don't the work out becomes stale. Sex isn't much different. What was great yesterday may not be great tomorrow. Even if you change things up on a regular basis that firey passion will eventually fade. That isn't a bad thing. If you're lucky, what comes after the passion can be better.

So maybe you're with someone whom you've had great sex with. Maybe it's not great anymore, but still very good. It's not to say that there won't be great moments again, but that peak was reached awhile ago. It's in those times when things aren't as good as they once were that people may start looking for that high again. It's very similar to drug use and chasing after that first initial rush. We as a species can become bored quickly. It's easy to stop appreciating what you have because it's not new anymore. Some people watch bad TV when they're bored. Some people eat even when they're not hungry. And some people go out and have sex when they're bored. Now I haven't taken a survey or anything, but I would imagine the rates of adultery go up in the winter when there is less to do. The same is probably true during times of war, but that's most likely less out of boredom and more from the fact that people just get lonely. I suppose one could also argue that there is some biological imperative built-in. If your mate is absent and likely to die then the most logical thing to do to continue the bloodline is to sleep with your neighbor.

In the end we become pretty stupid when it comes to getting a little bit of pleasure. It's been the basis for wars, murder, lies, and heartbreak. Strange how something that can feel so good can cause so much pain.