Friday, February 19, 2010

On Names

If you know me you may notice that when I talk to you I never use your name. I may use your name when talking about you, but it would never occur to me to say your name in conversation with you. For some reason to me saying your name feels a little too familiar, almost to the point of being rude. I'm not sure when it started. I'm guessing at some point in my past I called you by your name, but now I just start talking to you, without actually addressing you. The most you'll get from me in the way of salutation is "Hey" and the conversation begins.

Back in the late 70s there was a comic series called ElfQuest. It was about this group of elves that were very close to nature. They all had names like Cutter, Treestump, or Strongbow. Basically their names were tied to their personalities or achievements. They also had a second name, known as their soul name. This name was their true name and only a select few were allowed to hear it. Knowing this name meant that you knew everything about them, hence the term "soul name".

Now I don't think that a person's name is tied directly to their soul, but it's more than just a label for a person. It's been said when learning a new language you shouldn't think of a word for something else as a substitute. It should be that word. For example don't think of leche as a word for milk. Leche is milk. So for me your name isn't a word for you, it is you. I don't know how it is for other people, but in most cases if someone says a name I immediately associate it with a single person. Someone says the name Karl and I picture a specific Karl.

Names are very personal. Some people can be particular about how you address them. Is it Robert, Rob, Robbie, or Bob? And some people don't care one way or another. For me I tend to stick with the first name I associated with you. So if you were introduced to me as Charles don't ever expect to be called Chuck. That's just me though.

It kind of makes me wonder how people think of themselves. When other people talk to themselves do they say their own name? I would never be so forward, even with myself.